Home > Archive > Downtown Research > Block 37 > Lots 16-21
Blair’s Downtown – Block 37
Lots 16-21
1909 Sanborn Map

Lot 16

IOOF Building – Click for more information
- 1886 – Cigar Factory on Sanborn Map
- 1909 – General Store on Sanborn Map
- 1940s – Young Sold to Dave Mummert
- 1951 – Young’s Café
- Sold by the Youngs to Frank Cope, and was named Cope’s Cafe in the 1950s and 1960s.
- 1960s – Dave Wulf operated Colonial Corner in former Young’s Café space
- Blair Clothing
- Sedlacek Law Office
IOOF Building
- 1886 – Cigar Factory on Sanborn Map
- 1909 – General Store on Sanborn Map
- 1940s – Young Sold to Dave Mummert
- 1951 – Young’s Café
- Sold by the Young’s to Frank Cope, and was named Cope’s Cafe in the 50s and 60s.
- 1960s – Dave Wulf operated Colonial Corner in former Young’s Café space
- Mid 1970s to 80s – Became The Maple Café operated by Wanda?
Lot 17

- 1886 -1909 flour and feed (Sanborn Maps)
- 1930 – barber shop
- Shoe repair business? (clarification needed)
- 2003 – Hall Law offices
Lot 18

- 1886 – Dry goods and millinery
- 1889 – Dry goods and clothing
- 1909 – Confectionary (Sanborn Map)
- Blair Maple Cafe
Lot 19

- 1886 – Millinery and news
- 1889 – Dry goods
- 1897 – Millinery, dry goods, and pianos
- 1902- Millinery and barber
- 1909- Millinery
- 1959 – Klopp’s Jewelry – Ray Furtak was the jeweler
- 1997-2002 – DMRJ – Salon and Beauty Supplies Owned by Donna Jones
- 2003 – Swerve Gallery Kay (O’Hanlon) Young Glassware
- Choices Counseling
Lot 20

- 1889 – Barber
- 1902 – Dry Goods
- Rachel Truhlsen Law Office
Lot 21

- 1909 – Hardware store (Sanborn Map)
- 1930s – Thone and Farnberg Hardware Store
- Burned and rebuilt in 1930s (source: Memory Lane)
- 1950-1967 – Gambles: Henry Latman sold to Clarence Schreiner. Frank Reyzlik worked with Schreiner. When Schreiner was ready to retire, Reyzlik wanted to buy it, but was unable to obtain a loan. Pharmacist Wayne Anderson believed in Reyzlik and fronted him the money. Reyzlik took over in 1967, often working seven days a week thought the store was only open six. (Pilot Tribune, March 5, 2019)
- 1967-1972 – Frank Reyzlik (1972 moved to Block 38, lots 29-30) was Hardware Hank, now Ace Hardware
- Fabric Village: Kuethers
- 1990-2001 – Topstitch Fabrics: Carleen and Glen Anderson proprietors (building owned by Kuethers)
- Roach Warrior Training
- 2006 – Blair Area Chamber of Commerce

The Beehive (IOOF Building Lot 16) – year unknown

North Side of Washington Street, (Block 37) Note: Lot 21, just to the right of the Ice Cream sign was destroyed by fire just before this photo was taken. Children listed as Palle and Burnett Manne on back of photo.

Washington Street looking east from 17th Street (post 1920 because of brick streets)

1920s – Ice Cream Shop Owned by James Mose (Lot 20)

Farnberg Hardware Store Blair, Nebraska (Lot 21)

Welcome sign for Dana College’s Jubilee in 1959 and 1960. Looking northwest down Washington Street. Note that Lot 16 is Young’s Cafe, Lot 18 is Cope’s Cafe, and Lot 19 is Klopp Jewerly. (Photo courtesy of the Dana College Archives)
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