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West School

Digital Photo of print at Crowell Home Lobby/Catalog No. CRW-0015

before 1894
Located: Block 98  Sixth Addition
Destroyed: ??

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E-Mail From Ed Jipp  to Nathan Kramer  2/2/2003
I am interested in the West School because I went to that school in 1932-35. I came across an interesting picture today. It was an early picture of the Crowell house taken from the south side of the house. And what should appear but the West School building in the background. It looked out of place because there were only rows of newly planted trees along Washington Street so that nothing obstructed the view to the northeast from the Crowell house. Incidentally, by the late thirties, when these trees were removed to allow for widening of the Washington Street, they had formed an arch over the street. It was greatly lamented at the time when they were removed.

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