Home > Archive > Downtown Research > Block 37 > Lots 22-28
Blair’s Downtown – Block 37
Lots 22-28
1909 Sanborn Map
Lot 22
- 1886-1897 – one story – dry goods store
- 1886-1897 – one story – dry goods store
- 1902 – one story – dry goods store – new building was built
- 1909-1923 – two story Store Sanborn Maps
- 1925 – J.D. Garrison Clothing
- 1930s – Dr. Nielsen, MD Family Practice upstairs
- 1930s – Redfield Store
- 1946 – Clothing Store
- 1959 – Blair Clothing
- 1972 – Nile Johnson & Jon Sedlaceck Law Offices
- 1980 – Byford Klein Office
- 2003 – Cathie Fife’s House
Lot 23-24
- 1909 – Castetter Bank
- 1922 – Fred Clariage, bank officer, left town over a note count not being covered. The bank failed and closed. It opened as Farmer’s State Bank until 1933. Dr. O Moats (osteopath) had an office upstairs.
- 1946 – Washington County Bank. Opened about 1934 or 1936. Peter M. Tyson was president.
- 1960s – Lee’s Pharmacy
- Hansen Agency
Lot 25
- 1883 – Building constructed
- 1909 – Blair Clothing Store
- 1920s – J.D. Harrison Clothing Store (KKK met upstairs)
- 1946 – Soda Shop
- 1951 – Photography studio
- 1954 – 1963 Duffey’s Market
- Great Plains Communications
- Gingerich Construction
Lot 26
- 1909 – Cigar Factory
- 1931 – Citizen Savings Bank
- 1940s – Gossett’s Cafe
- Dette’s Drug Store? (clarification needed)
- 1945-2005 – Wolff Jewelers Wolff’s Jewelers & Goldsmiths was opened by Fritz Wolff and his sister, Bette Triplett, after he returned to Nebraska from a stint as a US Air Force pilot in the mid-1940s. The store used to be called Bette’s Gifts and Jewelry before Fritz and his wife, Wilma, took control of the helm and renamed it.
Lots 27-28
- 1909 – Cigars
- 1931 – Richter Smokehouse (bar) – near beer and ice cream
- 1951 – Beekmann Store – Owned by Charles Beekmann (click for more information)
- 1954 – Shanahan’s Tavern
- Olie’s Bar? (clarification needed)
- Thirsty’s Bar? (clarification needed)
- 1954 – Lemley’s Furniture Auction
- Main Street Bar and Grill
A Dana College Pep Rally (Fall 1951) looking Northwest down Washington Street at the Corner of old Walker Avenue (now 16th Street.) Photo courtesy the Dana College Archives. BHPA Catalog Number DWT-1005
A Dana College Homecoming Parade (1954) looking northwest down Washington Street. Photo courtesy the Dana College Archives. BHPA Catalog Number DWT-1004
Looking Northeast down Washington Street at the 1959 Dana College Homecoming Parade. Drum Major Isaac Jenkins leads the band. Photo courtesy the Dana College Archives. BHPA Catalog Number DWT-1002 Block 37, North side of Washington Street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets.
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