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German Lutheran Church
Also knows as: Trinity Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod)
Built: 1920 (first church was moved to Blair in 1883)
Located: South side of Block 58, Original Town Plat, Lot 19
Earliest records indicate Rev. J. Hilgendorf of Omaha began first Lutheran mission work in Blair during 1870. No more is written of it until he then pastor at Brown Creek (St. Paul’s) Arlington, began holding services in the Courthouse and Lutheran homes in 1887.
Soon vicars from Missouri Synod’s Springfield College conducted services regularly, usually serving one year, staying with members. Early fall, 1888, a frame church was built and dedicated Dec. 23. Five men, August Garske, H Ollerman, Peter Nohrenberg, Fred Weinbrandt and John Smith were given credit for making the building possible.
In 1889 the small group was formally organized as Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church. In the fall of 1890 the first pastor was installed. Trinity became a member of the Missouri Synod in 1894. The year of 1897 saw construction of a parsonage; in 1898 incorporation according to Nebraska law; 1899, an addition on the west end of the frame church, to better serve as school (pastors taught parochial school until 1904) and 1902 a barn to shelter the horses.
Already in 1901 Trinity had choir, young people’s society and Ladies’ Aid. The pastor serving the longest was H.C. Jul Frese, 1928-1954. During 1949 Trinity purchases a brick church across the alley, thereby temporarily solving space problems by using it for worship and the frame building as a parish hall. Fifteen years later, August 16, 1964 a new brick structure built on the original lot, was dedicated with the 1888 bell in the new tower sound the call to worship. Trinity presently offers Sunday morning worship, Sunday School, Bible classes, midweek school and Vacation Bible School. Organizations included Lutheran Youth Fellowship, Ladies’ Guild and Altar Guild.
In 1974 the Ladies’ Guild began collection confirmation class pictures, beginning with 1897, to be placed in permanent church files, hope to have them all be Trinity’s centennial in 1989. Submitted by Mrs. Milo Jeppesen.
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