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South 16th Area
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207 South 16th Street
Known as the F. H. Mattiesen House, Roberson Apartments and one time, served as a Bed and Breakfast called “The Nostalgia Inn.” In recent years a carefully designed and historically sensitive garage was built to the west.
599 South 16th Street
This house was once part on the home on 16th and South Streets. It was moved to just north of the Creek, on the west side of the street were it stands today.
1571 Butler Street
Built in 1911 by Dr. E.R. Stewart. He also designed the home, along with several others in Blair.
513 South 16th Street
The current owner of the, Judy Brehm, had this information to share about the house: It was once connected to the house at 599 S. 16th Street. The dairyman who owned my house at 513 South 16th was living in the connected house because my house was the ice cream factory. So when his daughter was going to get married, he moved the connected house to right next to the creek, as a wedding present for his daughter. Then he must have started living in this house. It used to be, and still is set up to be, an apartment house. So his family probably moved upstairs.
323 South 16th Street
This house maybe modeled after a Sears House (see Osborn Model No. 12050). The house at 2057 Front Street is another example of this same Mission style architecture.
652 South 16th Street
812 South 16th Street
Previous owners: Ralph Steyer family. Steyer was a known arborist in Blair and the park across the street is named after him. House was also owned by Bob & Vicki Dunkle until 2003 when the current owners purchased it.
849 South 16th Street
Built about 1890. The house was in the Robert McMillian family for 50+ years.
Blair Historic Preservation Alliance | P.O. Box 94 | Blair, Nebraska 68008 | contact@blairhistory.com