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Grant Street Area

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1556 Grant Street

1559 Grant Street

This house was built about 1903. Once known as the J.A. McKeen House. Also, Clyde Allen owned it before the 1940s.  The current owner bought the house from Mrs. Allen in 1963.

1748 Grant Street

1748 Grant Street

Built before 1890. Former home of  F. M. (Frank)  Castetter, son of Abraham Castetter.  The Krutoff family also lived in this house.

1723 Grant Street

Previous owners were: Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Thornberg (1943-1983), Mr. & Mrs.Robert Bierbower (1983-1986), Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stricklett (1996-1988).  Carroll Thornberg, first owner who built the house was a local retail merchant.  He had an appliance and paint store on the south side of main street.

1834 Grant Street

1834 Grant Street

William H. Palmer bought the lot from Thomas M. Carter in 1876, and built a house shortly thereafter.  It is not clear if  the house currently on the lot dates back to that time, but there is evidence of a structure on the lot on the 1878 plat map. The current house would have been built shortly that while it was owned by Palmer. The house was also owned by John A. Carrigan (1925), Frank & Leate Lutz (1947), Rufus Buffaloe (1961), and Nappolinis (1977).  The was was raised and a new basement was installed in recent years.

315 South 20th Street

315 South 20th

315 S. 20th Street  (Corner of 20th & Grant Streets) – It was once known as the J.W. Erwin homes and in the 1970s it served as an Encore, a group home for the mentally retarded.

1667 Grant Street

1667 Grant Street

Lot was owned by W.C. Walton.

1717 Grant Street

1717 Grant Street

1748 Grant Street - older picture

Scan from Post Card owned by Sharon & Tim Jensen – Catalog No. RES-0012

1739 Grant Street

1739 Grant Street

A.P. Howes was the vice-president of Blair State Bank in 1890-1891.

1739 Grant Street

Original Photo Post Card, from the Nathan Krämer Collection.  Scanned 2008 – Catalog No. RES-0004

1865 Grant Street

1865 Grant

Built in 1911

2106 Grant Street

1865 Grant

Built in 1900 as the I.E. Eller residence. Eller was a local judge.
Later owned by the Stricklet family and George and Marion Grube.

Blair Historic Preservation Alliance | P.O. Box 94 | Blair, Nebraska 68008 | contact@blairhistory.com