Cornerstone Dedication
June 7th, 1912 – Photo taken on Walker Ave. facing North East. Uniformed fire brigade are standing in foreground. The Old Post Office can been seen on the left side. Wooden constructions forms used for doorway arches can be seen in the center of the photo.
Published in the June 2005 Historic Picture Calendar.
Original Photo Post Card, from the collection of Nathan Krämer. Scanned 2006/Catalog No. FHL-0001
Cornerstone Dedication
June 7, 1912 – Photo taken on Walker Ave. around Grant street facing North. Uniformed fire brigade are standing in formation west of the fire hall construction site. Original Photo Post Card, from the collection of Nathan Krämer. Scanned 2006 /Catalog No. FHL-0002
Old Fire Hall
This building is now an office building on Lincoln Street. Scan from scrap book at WCH Museum/ Catalog No. FHL-0007
Fire Hall & City Hall
Photo taken from the West on Lincoln Street showing the north and west sides of the building. Original Screened Photo Post Card, from the Pat Tripp Collection. Scanned 2008/Catalog No. FHL-0004
Post Office & Fire Hall
Photo taken from the North on Walker Ave. showing the north and west sides of the buildings. Halftone Scan/Catalog No. POF-0003
Old Post Office
Color tint Screen photo postcard, from the Pat Tripp Collection. Scanned 2008/Catalog No. FHL-0008
Fire Hall and City Hall
From 1945, photo taken from the West on Lincoln Street showing the north and west sides of the building. Original Screened Photo Post Card, from the Pat Tripp Collection. Scanned 2008/ Catalog No. FHL-0005
Fire Hall and City Hall
From 1913, photo taken from the West on Lincoln Street showing the north and west sides of the building. Original Real Photo Post Card, from the Pat Tripp Collection. Scanned 2008/Catalog No. FHL-0006