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Commercial Hotel

Built: About 1891
Located: South East Corner of Block 37 – Old Walker Ave. (16th Street) and Washington Street

Later the location of the Blue Goose Store and today the Eagles Club. At that time is was a three story building.

According to the 1890-1891 Business Directory and Farmer List Published in the Nebraska State Gazetteer, George D. Moore was the proprietor and it was managed by Frank S. Moore. [source]

Appears on the 1886 and 1889 Sanborn maps (1897 the location was used for other purposes.)

Commercial Register
A hotel register for the Commercial Hotel is available at the Washington County Museum Library. The first pages of the register have clipping articles from the Ladies Home Magazine pasted on both sides of the page. The registry page as a few clippings pasted over the majority of signatures. The second registry page starts on Wednesday, July 29, 1885 continuing to the last page on Tuesday, June 1, 1886. J. M. Mayle is listed as Proprietor.

Through out the register, there are a number of entries for traveling theatre groups. One notable group, The Rapier’s London Illusion & Comedy Company, registered on May 28, 1886. There were to perform that evening at the Germainia Hall. Four couples were registered.

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