Home > Archive > Downtown Research > Block 36 > Lots 16-26
Blair’s Downtown – Block 36
Lots 16-26
1909 Sanborn Map

Lots 16-19

- 1909 – The building was a bank.
- North, around the corner, a hardware store is identified. In the 1950s, Arndt Hardware was located in that building until he died. The building was torn down? In 1990s?
- 1930-40s – David Z. Mummert, attorney, occupied the second floor. Mummert studied law with Charles Farnham. (This info was provided by Ruth Mummert Muchemore, Omaha)
- 1955 – Ed Matthiesen (Blair National Bank was the owner) died. The building was sold to Walter Huber. It became known as the Huber Building through the 1970s when HunTel occupied it.
More memories
- When it was the State Bank, the Nemitz Barber Shop was located in basement. The names of barbers who once worked in this building include McComb, Luellan, and Buckman.
- Harriet Betts Palle got her first haircut there in 1928. She has the switch of her hair just as they put it in a box.
- Al Sick Realty , Blair mayor, had his office in the basement.
- Late 1940s-early 1950s – Huber Building. Dr. Walter Goering had his first office at the end of the building. (according to Margaret Jipp Snyder of Blair)
Lots 22-27

- 1909 – Horse Collar Factory Livery
- 1938 – Roller Skating Rink
- Rathmann’s Ford Garage (Learn about Gustav Rathmann, click for more information)
- Templeton’s Ford Garage
- John Leehy’s Ford Garage
- 1970s and 1980s – Furniture store, Miller-Rolland, was owned by Darrell Miller and Phil Rolland.
- 1980s-2005 – One Blair Place: Blair Chamber of Commerce, Blair Eyecare Center, and Blair Chiropractic Centre
Lots 20 and 21

- 1909 – Meat market (Lot 21)
- Lot 20/21 “Eat Shop” Click here for Eat Shop Memories
- The Enterprise Publishing Company was located in west building (Lot 20) before Advance Cleaners. Later, Enterprise Publishing moved to the old Kelly Ryan building on Front Street.
- Mr. and Mrs. Andreasen worked together in the businesses they owned, which included Advance Cleaners, the Blair Marina, and the Cottonwood Marina.
- Advance Cleaners was west of Eat Shop. In 1956, the Eat Shop was east of “cleaners” building.

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