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Actions by the city council

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
March 1, 1898

Joe S. Cook Appeared on be half of Washington County (??) Association asking the council to Donate $50.00 to aid in the construction of their monument at the crossing of Colfax St. and Walker Ave. It was moved and seconded that said request be granted and the clerk instructed to draw and order for $50.00 in favor of the treasurer of said association on the General Fund. The roll being called — voted aye and there being no nays the mayor declared said motion carried.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
March 22, 1898

On motion the city attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance dedicating a space of ground twelve feet square at the crossing of Colfax street and Walker Avenue to the Washington County Monument Association.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
March 30, 1898

Ordinance No 242
An ordinance granting to the Washington County Monumental Association of Washington County Nebraska the right to occupy twenty feet square and to construct a monument at a point where the center of Walker Avenue and the center of Colfax Streets cross in the city of Blair Nebraska.

That the city of Blair, Nebraska hereby grants and gives permission to the Washington County Monumental Association of Washington County Nebraska the right to occupy twenty feet square at a part where the center of Walker Avenue and the center of Colfax Streets cross in said city for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a monument thereon: provided that the said association shall construct in side of said twenty feet a suitable ( ) structure consisting of stone and iron to guard and protect said monument and also for the purpose of protecting the public against accident when passing said point: provided further that said association shall keep said super structure in good repair and in safe condition.

This ordinance to take effect and be enforce from and after its passage approval and publication as required by law.

Passed and approved this 30 day of march 1898

I.C. Ellen, City Clerk
A.C. Jones, Mayor

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
September 20, 1898

On motion the electric light at the intersection of Colfax and Walker Ave. was ordered placed on east side of monument.  Electric Light Co. to change same.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
April 30, 1907

The petition relative to City of Blair Taking Charge of the Soldier’s monument signed by John Patrick and others was read and city attorney was instructed to draft resolution covering the same.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
May 3, 1907

Adjourned regular meeting Blair City Council, Mayor W.D. Haller, presiding and all councilmen present except Allen absent.

The following resolution was read and on motion was adopted and order placed on the minutes of this meeting.
WHEREAS the Peterson Association of Washington County, Nebraska, having handed to the city the care, custody and protection of the Soldier’s Monument erected by it at the intersection of Walker Avenue and Colfax Street in the City,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council in council assembled that the City of Blair accept said tender and in the future care for and protect monument.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
June 15, 1926

The matter of removing the Monument from the intersection of Walker Ave. and Colfax Streets was discussed and this was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
December 5, 1933

Councilman Van Dausen and Brown reported that they wanted more time for investigation on the moving of the the Old Soldiers Monument.

City Council Meeting, Blair, Nebraska
August 15, 1939

“A petition signed by residents of the City of Blair, Nebraska, asking the Council to remove the monument on Walker Ave. and Colfax St. to a safer place was read. Moved and seconded this petition be received and placed on file. All councilmen voting “Aye” the motion was carried.”

“Mayor Sorensen referred the moving of the monument to the Improvement Committee for their report as soon as possible.”

Blair Historic Preservation Alliance | P.O. Box 94 | Blair, Nebraska 68008 | contact@blairhistory.com