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Street Names in Blair

In 1958, the Street names in Blair were changed.

The main change was renaming the primary north/south street, old Walker Avenue to 16th Street as it is called today.  The street numbers decreased towards the east and increased to the west.

Present NameNew Name
12th Street 9th Street
11th Street 10th Street
10th Street11th Street
9th Street 12th Street
8th Street 13th street
7th Street 14th Street
6th Street 15th Street
Walker Avenue16th Street
5th Street 17th Street
4th Street18th Street
3rd Street19th Street
2nd Street20th Street
1st Street 21st Street
Center Street 22nd Street
West Street23rd Street
French Street24th Street
Orum RoadFontenelle Boulevard
Martha StreetLincoln Street
North County RoadAdams Street
South County Road Wilbur Street
West CountyRoad 25th Street
College Road College Drive
Maple Street20th Avenue
Davis AvenueDavis Street

Origin of Blair Street Names

Washington Street – reference to Washington County and first American President George Washington.

Walker Avenue – reference to William W. Walker Lawyer, Judge, and chief engineer for John I. Blair.
Walker was successively the chief engineer, secretary, and assistant treasurer of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, and then the general agent and secretary of the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Contracting Company.

French Street – Early Family in Blair

Davis Street – reference to Jesse T. Davis, attorney at law, native of Marion County, West Virginia. Came to Omaha, Nebraska in 1854 and relocated to Washington County in 1855 Also held the offices of Clerk of the District Court, Probate Judge, County Judge, State Senator. When in the Senate he procured the land grant and was mainly instrumental in getting the Sioux City & Pacific Railroad through Washington County.


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