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Highway 73 to be paved
from the Blair Enterprise Newspaper — 29 September, 1932
Highway 73 To Be Paved Before July 1st, 1933
Grading To Be Started This Fall. Work To Be Confined To New Routes, Remainder To Be Finish In Spring
May Widen Third Street
Fotanelle Highway Now Being Graveled. Spiker-Herman Grading Progressing.
As the graveling of the Fontanelle Highway progresses and grading preparatory to gravel some time in the future progresses on the road north of Spiker, news comes to those living along Highway 73 north of Blair, that the roadway will be graded and paved before July 1st, 1933
According to County Commissioners, Chas. Nelson and Chris Hinz, money which is to be used for the highway is obtained through Federal Aid and must be used before the above mentioned date of July 1st, 1933. Surveying for the proposed roadway is nearing completion and it is thought that grading will be begun this fall according to Commissioner Hinz. The present highway, however will not be closed until next spring as the work to be done this fall will be confined to parts of the highway which are new routes.
Blue prints are now completed regarding the entrance to Blair on the southeast. The present roadway will be utilized with the exception of a slight change at the Ray Krogh center. The highway will connect with the Blair paving at the corner of 8th and South streets, continue west on South street to Third Street and then turn north, running the entire length of Third Street.
Both Highways 30 and 73 will then be routed upon Third street for a distance of four blocks. At a recent meeting of the Blair City Council a discussion was entered into regarding the widening of Third street for a distance covered by both highways. It appears to be thought by many a necessary move. However, the matter is being laid over until conditions necessitate the change.
Graveling on the Fontanelle Highway was begun Monday, the first gravel being laid just west of Orum. The gravel being used comes from a new pit at Arlington and is blue in color instead of the usual red. The roadway will be finished before cold weather sets in.
Work has also begun on a short piece of roadway north of Spiker, connecting Spiker with the New England to Herman road. This work is being done under the supervision of a state engineer in order to meet the state gravel requirements.
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