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B-Line Highway Extension
from the minutes of the Blair City Council, April 28,1926
A special called meeting of the Blair City Council was called to order at 7 o’clock P.M. by Mayor Murdooh, the following Councilmen answering to roll-call, Farnberg, Grimm, Garner, Moore, Jacobs and Sorensen.
Christansen and Roberts reporting after roll-call.
The SPECIAL CALL hereto attached was then read.
Councilman Grimm introduced the following Resolution and it was read.
WHEREAS, The State Highway Commission of the State of Nebraska have included in the B-Line Highway an extension of the same from the point where said Highway intersects the corporate limits on the South in an irregular direction North to and connecting with intersection of South and Third Streets of the City of Blair, Nebraska, and,
WHEREAS, the bridge over South Creek has been included as a part of said Highway, a detailed description of which is now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County, Nebraska, and the cutting off of a bend and causing the channel to flow under the said bridge as hereinafter located, and, .
WHEREAS, there is a provision whereby one-half of the cost of this bridge and Highway within the City of Blair can be paid. out of what is known as the Federal Aid Fund by the Federal Government, provided that the Board of County Commissioners of said County approve the same, and,
WHEREAS, the said Board of County Commissioners refuse to give the aforesaid approval, unless the City of Blair will pay for one-half of the cost of the construction of the aforesaid bridge.
I. That in consideration of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Nebraska. and the Board of Public Works of the State of Nebraska, letting a contract and causing to be constructed the above mentioned bridge and improvement of said Highway within the limits of the City of Blair upon the final completion thereof, the City of Blair hereby agrees to and will pay one-half of the cost of said bridge to said Washington County.
Moved by Councilman Farnberg and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that this resolution be adopted as read.
Roll was called and the following Councilman voted “AYE”, Christensen, Farnberg, Grimm, Garner, Jacobs, Moore, Roberts and Sorensen. “NAY”, None. The Mayor declared said resolution adopted.
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