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B-Line Highway

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B-Line to be Opened for travel Next Week

Blair Tribune, November 11, 1926

While the strip of the B-Line between Blair and Kennard is not entirely completed, contractors expect to finish the work of grading the latter part of next week, when the road will be thrown open to travel for the entire distance that has been improved during the past summer.

Portions of the road have been used at all times by those acquainted with the lay of the county, but for the average traveler detour signs routed them over the Omaha high road as far as the Harrison corner1 and then west into Kennard.

The new road is now practically completed and there only remains the filling in of approaches to the new bridges and the smoothing up of the road in a few places. None of the old bridges were used in this stretch of improvement; with the exception of the steel bridge a mile this side of Kennard, which will later be used by the county at some other point, every cement arch and bridge was blown out. At each of these places the road was changed a trifle, necessitating new and better bridges affording wider road beds. These bridges all have cement decks and they will be ready for use as soon as the road is opened.

Other road improvements now being made in the county on state highways include the graveling of the turns on the Washington highway between Blair and Herman. The last piece of grading which included work on the Cameron hill1 to improve the turn in the road just this side of Herman has been completed and the curves on that road will be covered with gravel before the week is over.

Following this, the highway running south of Blair to the pavement at the edge of Douglas county will be given a coat of new gravel. About fifty carloads of gravel will be used on this stretch of road. It is not the intention to coat the entire road, however; the improvement is more in the nature of maintenance and gravel will be used only where is [sic] is needed.

The new bridge at Davis Avenue has been thrown open to travel and the balance of the ground acquired by the city at that point is being put in shape for park purposes according to a stipulation at the time of its sale to the city. Residents of Blair who have not kept in touch with the B-Line improvement will marvel at the changes that have been made.

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